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Cualquier cambio o informaci\u00f3n que has introducido se descartar\u00e1n.","Show Images":"Mostrar im\u00e1genes","Download":"descargar","Draft Saved":"Borrador guardado","Delete Draft":"Eliminar borrador","Unable to save draft.":"Imposible guardar borrador.","Refresh the current page to restore and continue your draft.":"Refresque la p\u00e1gina actual para restaurar y continuar su borrador.","Remove Font Family":"Eliminar fuente de la familia","Change Font Family":"Cambiar fuente de la familia","Left to Right":"De izquierda a derecha","Right to Left":"De derecha a izquierda","Change Text Direction":"Cambiar ubicaci\u00f3n del texto","Annotate":"Anotar","Add Arrow":"A\u00f1adir flecha","Add Rectangle":"A\u00f1adir rect\u00e1ngulo","Add Ellipse":"A\u00f1adir \u00f3valo","Add Text":"A\u00f1adir texto","Decrease Font Size":"Reducir tama\u00f1o de fuente","Increase Font Size":"Aumentar tama\u00f1o de fuente","Set Stroke":"Seleccione estilo","Set Fill":"Seleccione relleno","Toggle Opacity":"Conmutador de opacidad","Bring Forward":"Traer al frente","Delete Object":"Borrar objeto","Commit Annotations":"Anotaciones comprometidas","Text":"Texto","Translate":"Traducir","Save":"Guardar","Saving":"Guardando","Loading":"Cargando","Add":"A\u00f1adir","Not currently translated":"Todav\u00eda sin traducir","You're limited to only {0} selections.\\n":"You're limited to only {0} selections.\\n","You have made {0} selections.\\n":"You have made {0} selections.\\n","Please remove {0} selection(s).":"Por favor retire {0} preferido (s).","Alert":"Alerta","Please make at least {0} selections. {1} checked so far.":"Por favor haga menos {0} selecciones. {1} comprobado hasta ahora.","Are you sure you want to remove this attachment?":"\u00bfEst\u00e1 seguro que desea eliminar este adjunto?","Please Confirm":"Por favor confirme","Please confirm to continue.":"Por favor confirme para continuar.","OK":"OK","Create":"Crear","just now":"justo ahora","about a minute ago":"hace un minuto","%d minutes ago":"hace %d minutos","about an hour ago":"hace una hora m\u00e1s o menos","%d hours ago":"hace %d horas","yesterday":"ayer","%d days ago":"hace %d d\u00edas","Acquiring Lock":"Bloqueo de adquisici\u00f3n","Your lock is expiring soon.":"Tu bloqueo caduca pronto.","The lock you hold on this ticket will expire soon. Would you like to renew the lock?":"El bloqueo que a\u00f1adiste a este ticket caduca pronto. \u00bfQuieres renovar el bloqueo?","Renew":"Renovar","Unable to lock the ticket.":"No se pudo bloquear el ticket.","Someone else could be working on the same ticket.":"Alguien m\u00e1s podr\u00eda estar trabajando en el mismo ticket.","Still busy... smile #":"Todav\u00eda ocupado... :)","Cleaning up!...":"Limpiando!...","Error occurred. Aborting...":"Se ha producido el error. Abortando...","Manual upgrade required (ajax failed)":"Actualizaci\u00f3n manual necesaria (ajax fallado)","Something went wrong":"Algo sali\u00f3 mal"};})(jQuery);